Side note: Photography is probably the most important wedding decision (other than the cake) that I've had to make. I love pictures and this is an important day that I want to remember forever. Pictures make remembering that much easier. Sad, though, that this one thing has to be so freakin' expensive. That's made my search so much harder.
Ok, back to Bill. My Co-MOH Leesa and I met him a few weeks ago at a Starbucks downtown on a ridiculously cold day here in Austin. Over some hot beverages, we poured over his photo album/portfolio and fired off questions. He answered each question and I really liked him. I went away from the meeting super excited that I had found the photographer for our wedding!
Life stepped in and I had to go out of town for a wedding so I figured I'd contact him and get the ball rolling when I got back in town.
Then something amazing happened. I signed into Weddingbee for my daily dose of wedding-y goodness and saw there was a new post to an old thread about photographers in Austin. It was from a woman suggesting we check out her husband's website/blog about this great deal he's running right now. Here's where my life changed (haha, just kidding, I'm trying to make it more dramatic ;) )
So basically this photographer in town, Nathan Russell, is running a deal right now for five lucky brides.

You pay him $500 and he shoots your entire wedding day, plus engagement pictures and a bridal session. Holy crap! Only $500. That's ridiculous. And bonus, he gives you a $500 gift card at the end of everything to use in his store to buy albums and prints. So it's ummm basically free. Sorta anyways.
But why? Right. There's gotta be a catch. No catch. He's mainly into shooting family pictures, and is trying to break into the wedding industry more. He wants to expand his portfolio (check out these shots) so enter me as his subject.
Hell yeah. I already sent the contract and the deposit. This is soooo exciting! I need to make an appointment to meet with him in person to talk wedding and set up a time for engagement pictures to be taken. I am beyond excited!
It's not just the price that excites me although I admit it is a large factor. His pictures are amazing. The colors are so bright. I love them.
How did you choose you photographer? Did you think you were gonna go with one, only to change your mind a week later?
Thats a great deal! Congrats on finding it! Looking forward to seeing some of his pics!